ANTHEA, the Data Analytics and Technologies for Health Lab, merges together bright engineers, medical doctors, researchers and PhD Students from various backgrounds and institutions.

Our Lab is a forge of cutting-edge ideas for eHealth, merging Biomedical, Electronic and Computer Engineering to provide TeleHealth and Telemonitoring solutions based on minimally invasive, low-cost and lightweight technologies.

Our Mission is to augment Health using Artificial Intelligence in Data and Signal Processing, to allow for accessible and personalised care, continuous monitoring and at-home-rehabilitation and support early diagnosis.

Our Work involves the study of neurodegenerative disorders, like Parkinson’s Disease and Alzheimer’s Dementia, in close cooperation with both Patients Associations and physicians.

Have a look at our latest Publications and Activities!

We are committed to open research, and we believe in the importance of sharing data and code to foster collaboration and transparency.

Have a look at our shared Research Data and Code.

Our Collaborations include: